
Kolozsvár trip 2017 Winter

It always goes something like this:
Mircsi – Hey Timó, I’ve just found some cheap flights to … Are you free? Timó – Yep! (if it’s not summer than usually I have a very felexible schedule)

Than we look for a accomodation. First on couschsurfing (it’s an awesome way to get know locals and see things thru their perspective and it’s all free) than on airbnb. Finally we figure out what to do there. But that’s subject to change in the heat of the moment. I like to improvise and just wander aimlessly sometimes.

Since it was raining all the time. I mostly took pictures indoors and mainly of Mircsi.

There is still a very strong hungarian population in the city.
There are a lot of stray dogs in the city but they are harmless.
Welcome in the Turda Salt Mine.
Boating in a slat mine

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